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Complete set of workshops from 2016 Annual Meeting. Included are:
1) 6 Best Practices to Prevent Shipping Costs from Eroding Your Margins (Luke Kupersmith, Lojistic; Dennis Nicoski, United States Postal Service);
2) Arm Yourself with Data (Mona Ameli, Take Shape for Life, Inc.-Medifast; Dr. Anne Coughlan, Northwestern University; Connie Tang, Princess House, Inc; Kerry Tassopoulos, Mary Kay Inc);
3) Avoiding Pitfalls & Landmines (Allison Levy, AdvoCare International, LP; Jonathan Gelfand, Team Beachbody);
4) Beating Unauthorized Sellers at their Own Game (Jonathan Gilliam, Momentum Factor; Whitney Gibson, Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease LLP; Michelle Leetham, Rodan+Fields; Joseph Aquilina, Direct Selling Association);
5) Cutting Edge Legal Issues (Joshua Grimes, Esq., Grimes Law Offices, LLC);
6) Getting Engaged in GR (Paul Skowronek, Direct Selling Association; Kerry Tassopoulos, Marry Kay Inc);
7) Lessons from IT Executives (Moy Chambers, LifeVantage Corporation; Jerry Cunningham, Amway);
8) Reimagine the Opportunity for America's Fastest Growing Segment: The Hispanic Market (Mona Ameli, Take Shape for Life, Inc.-Medifast; Allen Gutierrez, The Latino Coalition; Ideneth Vega, Gold Canyon; Chris Yourex, Direct Selling Strategies, LLC);
9) Strategic Talent Acquisition (Lori Bush, Rodan+Fields; Charlie Kirschner, Rodan+Fields; Barbara Talabisco, Wakefield Talabisco International);
10) The Collaborative Economy (Judy Jones, Amway; Jacob Gundrum, Amway);
11) The New Target for Fraudsters (Mark Rawlins, InfoTrax; Darrel Welling, ProPay);
12) The Power of Prediction (Michael Bayan, DirecTech Labs; Jordan Zommick, DirecTech Labs);
13) The Power of Storytelling (Ty Bennett, Leadership Inc);
14) U.S. Consumer Trends Impacting the Direct Selling Industry (Eric Wagatha, GfK Consumer Life; Monica Wood, Herbalife; Jeff Kaufman, Isagenix International; Jesse Stamm, Take Shape for Life Inc-Medifast);
15) U.S. Direct Selling Strategic Insights (Anne Aldrich, Artemis Strategy Group; Jeff Kaufman, Isagenix International; Jamie Dworkin, Threadstone Advisors; Jesse Stamm, Take Shape for Life Inc-Medifast);
16) Understanding and Embracing the Forces that Now Shape Today's Meetings and Events (Michael Dominguez, MGM Resorts International)
Product Details:
Product ID: | AM1617 |
Publication Year: | 2016 |