Empowering Women and Transforming Communities: A Conversation with Gretchen Huijskens, CEO of Trades of Hope

Nov 20, 2023

Gretchen Huijskens Thumbnail

Gretchen Huijskens, the Co-Founder and CEO of Trades of Hope, is a remarkable force for change. For over a decade, she has dedicated herself to empowering women, breaking the chains of poverty and transforming communities. Her journey began with eight years of charity work in Haiti, which ignited her passion to create a business that offers stability and hope to women in need.

Her advice for aspiring entrepreneurs includes:

  • Be willing to get scrappy and be in it for the long haul, not just the short successes
  • Your “Why” is what will keep you persevering day after day. Make sure it’s important to you and your team

She recommends carefully considering your answers to three key questions when starting a business:

  • What values are the most important to you in how you conduct business?
  • What attributes of your business and your team are invaluable to you?
  • How do you prioritize your work?

The growth and success of Trades of Hope exemplifies the profound impact that a dedicated entrepreneur and a purpose-driven business can have on the world. Click here to listen to the full conversation with Joe Mariano, president and CEO of DSA in The Direct Entrepreneur.