ACN, Inc.
[ACN, Inc. logo]
Address: 1000 Progress Place
Concord, NC 28025-2449
Phone: 704-260-3000
Fax: 704-260-3639
Social Networking: ACNINC @acnnews ACNDirect
Products / Services: Business/Commercial, Home Technology, Internet Services, Security Systems/Devices, Telecommunications Services, Travel, Utilities
Company Description:
ACN's mission is to present an outstanding opportunity for individuals to go into business for themselves; an opportunity for them to succeed and to achieve their personal dreams. ACN was designed to serve its representatives, and to foster an atmosphere of accomplishment, achievement, cooperation and success. Employing the concepts of Cooperative Marketing (also know as Network or Multi Level Marketing) in conjunction with ACN's unparalleled system for success training. ACN sought to provide a vehicle for people to be in business for themselves, but not by themselves. Telecommunications, currently one of the fastest growing industries, presented an arena to deploy this mission. All this, in an effort to create the perfect business for the average person.
Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person
Countries of Operation: United States, Canada
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