Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (1pm - 2:15pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Direct selling's objective is to provide entrepreneurship opportunities to all so that everyone can Believe, Belong, and Become part of a company's mission and growth. More than any other industry, direct selling needs to be part of the solution to acknowledge, understand, commit, and build systematic inclusion to truly become an opportunity for all.

Mona Ameli, veteran Direct Selling executive and nationally certified Diversity & Inclusion and Cultural Transformation consultant who is the Founder of her consulting firm Ameli Global Partnerships, will walk you through how to create an impactful and trackable Diversity & Inclusion assessment. She will present what industry-relevant leadership insights are needed now at the corporate level, and what are the characteristics of an Inclusive Culture in relation to both your corporate executives and your field. Also, learn how to implement these steps to make real, quantifiable change(s) that can be linked to your financial and cultural bottom lines.

Cancellation and Other Policies:

Materials and presentations provided as a part of this virtual event are intended for attendees of this meeting. Distribution without prior written consent from DSA is not allowed.

For more information please contact:

Ms. Eleanor Campbell
Meetings Coordinator
Email: ecampbell@dsa.org